New Patient Referral

Patient Details

Details of Referring Doctor/Allied Health Professional

Reason for Patient Referral

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

We kindly request you to provide the following Patient Information in addition to the above (at your convenience):

  • Past and Current medical history
  • List of current medications
  • List of allergies
  • Social and Work History
  • Investigation results: Pathology, Radiology, Other
  • Correspondence from other healthcare providers in relation to current pain problem
  • Approval letter if Worker’s compensation/ TAC/ Third party Insurer

These can be emailed to [email protected]  or faxed to (03) 9012 4123.


Please note that patients under Worker’s compensation, TAC, third party insurers will require a valid approval before an appointment is offered.

We shall provide confirmation of receipt of referral within 48 hours of receiving this form. The patient shall be contacted during this period to organise an appointment. In the event that we are unable to obtain a patient response, we shall send a notification to your practice informing you of the same.

Please feel free to directly contact Dr Meena Mittal or the staff at Persistent Pain Solutions if you wish to discuss the referral. We will be delighted to assist you and your patient.

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